i'm young and fresh and the world is out there for me to conquer. feel free to visit my first blogsite: www.tornphoenix.blogdrive.com
Monday, December 31, 2007
thankful this new year
my goodness. god has really blessed me a whole lot. i'm at a point in my life where i think i've almost done everything. sure, sure. i'm a big dreamer who has such grand plans for myself but looking back, i know i've broken down barriers; big ones, if i may say. and that counts for a L-O-T. as in. bonggang-bongga.
i am grateful:
for the family that grows bigger and close to each other.
for all the hurt and pains that have made me stronger.
for all the love and support that have been given to me.
for all the long-time friends i've kept thru the years.
for all the new friends i've made this year.
for all the lessons i've learned.
for all the mistakes i've committed that i've learned greatly from.
for all the extra special people who have made my life uber-colourful.
i know words fail me. but if any, i think the word i'm looking for is FREE. i am free. huwaw. such bittersweet memories. thanks. thanks! :)
thank you. and i love you.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
yes. spread the lurve.
2. What's one thing you actually
remember about PREP?
- mrs. del remedios.
- pwede rin 'yung kambal naming
classmates: beverly and kimberly.
3. Did you cry at your graduation or
smile because you were glad it was
- smile.
4. Favorite movie?
- meet joe black
5. What's the last thing you think
about before going to sleep last night?
- what i'm looking forward to the next day.
6. What are your nicknames?
- ching, rac, mon-mon
7. How do you calm down when your
extremely angry?
- i blog? i walk.
8. A movie or a long walk in the beach
on a date?
- long walk.
9. What are 2 of the first things you
notice in a guy/girl?
- good english and nice smile.
10. Would you ever date someone covered
in tats and piercings?
- whatever! (just like the little girl
in youtube.com)
11. Would you want a house at the beach
or in the mountains?
- pwede bot (both)?
12. What are 2 of your favorite colors?
- blue and red.
13. What time is it right now?
- ayon sa 2000 sydney olympics swatch
ko, it's 2PM
14. What's your zodiac sign?
- pisces
15. Are you a party animal or someone
who prefers to stay in a quiet place?
- i'm the life of a party (naks!) who's
more of somebody who prefers to stay in
a quiet place. prayer party ito!
16. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
- dogs. i don't like pussy-kets.
17. Would you drive 100 miles for the
one you love?
- oo naman!
- ?
19. Are you brave enough to tell a
guy/girl you like him/her?
- oo naman. carpe diem!
20. What do you usually do when you're
starting to fall for some guy/girl?
- nangungulit ako.
21. Have you ever had diarrhea and
vomited at the same time?
- YES! mala-linda blair! (you misspelled
22. Do you like shrimp or crab better?
- i like crab better.
23. How do babies make you feel?
- cute babies ba? they make me feel happy.
24. Who is the last person you had
lunch with?
- kuya egay
25. Have you ever drank milk straight
out of the carton?
- no. that's outright bastos.
26. Do you think you're attractive?
- ehem.
27. Have you ever flown a kite?
- yes
28. Do you consider yourself
- not yet. i'm getting there.
29. Where is your cellphone?
- by the window
30. What do you usually do when you're
- i sulk? just like what everybody does.
31. What are your plans for today?
- go to choir practice, sing at the
masses. have dinner with choir?
32. What's the last thing you often do
before going to bed?
- eat.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
fuck globe
mukhang magsa-SUN na lang ako ulit.
wala na ang UNLITXT promo nila.
ang natitira na lang:
- UNLITXTD15 or UNLITXTD30 (up to january 31)
- SULITXT (up to january 14)
pardon my french fries.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
sweet give-away (something sweet and yummy)
Monday, December 10, 2007
survey ulit
you were pregnant, what would you say?
"before we go any further, can i take a
look at your diplomas just to be sure
you're not from some med sch in the ph--"
2 . Do you trust all of your friends?
friends, yes.
3. Would you move to another state or
country to be with the one you love?
of course.
4. Do you believe that everything
happens for a reason?
yes, i do.
5 . Name two things you would NOT
tolerate in a relationship?
immaturity and selfishness.
6 . Which one of your friends do you
think would make the best doctor?
7. Are you afraid of falling in love?
8. Is there someone who pops into your
mind at random times?
9. Would you stop talking to your
friends because you hooked up with a
new person?
hell, no.
10. When was the last time you ride in
a car?
it's RODE. a couple of days ago.
11. What did the last text message you
got say?
12. What features do you find most
attractive in the opposite sex?
13 . Fill in the blank. I ______.
"fuckingly hate the stupid PRC peeps."
14 . What is a goal you would like to
accomplish in the near future?
move out.
15 . If you were to wake up from being
in a coma for a long period of time
who would you call?
my mom?
16. How many kids do you want to have?
2 kids.
17. Would you make a good parent?
18. Where was your primary picture
starbux shang.
19. Honestly, what's on your mind
right now?
paano magkapera.
20. If you could go back in time and
change something, what would it be?
21 . Shoe size?
don't know either.
22. What are you wearing right now?
my birthday suit
23. Righty or Lefty?
24. Best place to eat?
sa bahay.
25 . Favorite animal?
26. Favorite juice?
juice ko po.
27 . Have you ever had chicken pox?
28 . Do you get along with your family?
29 . Do you wear contact lenses or
both. now more eyeglasses.
30. Ever been in a fight with your pet?
31. Been to Mexico?
32. Did you buy something today?
33. Did you get sick today?
34. Do you miss someone today?
35. last Person had a chat with you?
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Contact Details
Please be advised that you may reach me at the following numbers:
Thank you.
-Rac Roldan
Okay na sana eh. Sumablay pa 'yung tense ng last word.
what i'm reading
Pinckert's Practical Grammar
A Lively, Unintimidating Guide To Usage, Punctuation, and Style
by Robert C. Pinckert.
you gotta play the Game, man! :)
dinner sorority girls
belated happy birthday to jenni and congrats to double-degree holder (and soon double-license holder) karen!
hell no! i'm not THAT big. lintek na peechur ito. honest, i'm not THAT big
Friday, December 07, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
bad news sinking in slowly and surely
i keep saying regrets don't have a place in my heart. but if there's one thing i regret, that is taking too long in college. although i am extremely grateful and i couldn't have been the person i am today if not for all my experiences over the years, finishing college on time wouldn't have been bad, either, right? anyway...
i'm used to making things happen for myself. growing up in a family that just had enough, i had to content myself with whatever is given to me. but i am a dreamer. and i am a go-getter. and when i want something, i focus. although sometimes it takes me a loooong time to finally get things, at least i still do. and i'm damn proud of that.
my batch mates and i, with all the support from family and friends, prepared for the board exams. countless sleepless nights, costly meals and fare were spent over the past months. november 17 and 18 came and left us all with hyped up anxiety. 2 out of 3 subjects were unbelievably hard and there were problems with no answers (so gudlak na lang kung anong pipiliin mong sagot). the 2nd subject, hydraulics and geotechnical engineering, was easy for everybody (except for me as i never really got to study that field). 'yun na nga lang ang pa-consuelo. tapos 'yun pa ang isasama sa retake.
anyway, this "retake," at least in my case, serves as another blow to me and to any other young man/woman who's trying to find a spot in this dog-eat-dog world. PRC has done it again! let it be known that i, will never be like the "professionals" working in the commission.
this is getting depressing. so i'm turning this blog around.
a special shoutout to the peeps of 1645! Elijah Bringas (UST), Abbah Ruedas (AdU) & Marco Paolo Roque (UPd)! Woohoo! the best!
another special shoutout to my Burger King and Starbucks study group! Maffy, Eli & Denise!
New Survey! This is fun! :D
is.. So, tell us your boss' name.
- Rac Roldan. I am my own boss.
2. Do you actually read your friend's
surveys, or do you just copy paste
- I do read them. But not all.
3. Which is your favorite episode of "I
Love Lucy"?
- Haven't seen a single episode yet. Wala naman dito sa 'Pinas niyan eh.
5. Do you consider yourself a deep
- Nah. But I bet alot of my friends would say I am.
6. Name four people whom you are
closest friends with?
- Golda, Jun, Cess, Denise
7. Which one of those four people
would you eat first, if you were
- Wala! Kapag pumili ako, F.O. (Friendship's Over) na ito!
8. How many red shirts would you say
you own, off the top of your head?
- Just one, methinks.
9. No one cares whether or not you
believe in love at first sight... but,
do you believe in hate at first sight?
- Korekore-korekok!
10. If you said yes to the last
question, do you think that the reason
you are so hateful and judgmental is
because you didn't receive enough love
when you were a child?
- Most definitely not.
11. How old will you be in 2021?
- 456 months.
12. Would you rather be tone deaf or
color blind?
- Oooh. Tough choice. I can't believe I'm picking tone deaf. Bakit kaya?
13. When do you think is the proper
time in a relationship to give the
other person your business card?
- Why for? You're not to plan things with your significant other.
14. When you were a kid, which comic
strip was your favorite?
- Funny Komiks! Totoo! Or 'yung nasa loob ng Bazooka Bubble Gum!
15. You can only wear a sock on one
foot for the rest of your life... which
foot is it ?
- Me rightie.
16. How many words can you make out of
the letters of your name?
- Haha! Ask Michael Emlano. He literally had nothing to do so he tried making out words using my name Ramonito.
17. How do you feel about fake plants?
- Tacky.
18. What is your obsessive compulsion?
- A whole darn lot.
19. What do you think the odds are of
the person who posted this before you
becoming a rock star?
- 50%. Haha. Thanks to my probability knowledge.
20. Do you know what the heck the
difference is between the
statements "we're just dating"
and "we're together"?
- Of course. You don't?
21. When you think, do you see the
words that you are thinking in your
- No. But I think I used to. Haha. People change.
22. If a person is brought up speaking
both Spanish and English in equal
amounts and equally fluently, which
language do they think in?
- Ask them.
23. Does it make you uncomfortable when
people ask you your shoe size?
- At some level, yes. But I'm going to say, not at all.
24. Would you feel guilty about
cheating on your taxes if you got away
with it?
- This is proving to be a bad survey. Ang lakas kaya ng power of suggestion.
25. You are walking on the beach when
suddenly you find a genie lamp. You rub
it, and out pops the genie. He
proclaims that he is so thankful to you
for letting him out after thousands of
years that he gives you three wishes.
What do you think he did with his time
while he was in there?
- Crapped on his seat. Touched himself.
26. If you had braces, would you put
little diamonds on your brackets and
call them your "grill"?
- No. So gaudy.
27. You have 24 hours to live...
what are you going to wear?
- My birthday suit.
28. Which is worse... someone blowing
cigarette smoke in your face, or
kissing someone who has dip in their
- The first one, I guess.
29 . Have you ever answered any of these
questions before?
- No, and I'm quite glad they're new questions this time.
30. Have you ever thought about getting
your lip pierced?
- Never.
31. Who were you with last night?
- My choir mates.
32. What woke you up this morning?
- A phone call.
33. Have you ever passed out on the
bathroom floor?
- Nope.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
what's up with me?
last time i felt like this was a pretty looong time ago.
attempted lots of times to put into words how i feel at the moment. and now i realize, i'm better off talking than writing. however, words simply just aren't enough. haha.
who am i kidding?
i'm cooped up.
somebody bail me out!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
good bye to you
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Iniibig Kita lyrics
(San Miguel Master Chorale)
Kulang ang araw at gabi 'pag kita'y kapiling.
Kahit ang bukas ay di rin sapat upang mamasdan lamang kita.
Labis kitang minamahal, pag-ibig ko'y walang kapantay.
Kung kaya ko lang abutin ang mga bituin t'yak ito'y gagawin.
Malaman mo lang wala nang ibang mas hihigit pa sa pag-ibig ko sa 'yo.
Walang ibang nagmamahal ng tulad ko sana'y paniwalaan mo.
Iniibig kita.
Kulang ang araw at gabi 'pag kita'y kapiling.
Kahit ang bukas ay di rin sapat upang mamasdan lamang kita.
Labis kitang minamahal, pag-ibig ko'y walang kapantay.
Kung kaya ko lang abutin ang mga bituin t'yak ito'y gagawin.
Malaman mo lang wala nang ibang mas hihigit pa sa pag-ibig ko sa 'yo.
Walang ibang nagmamahal ng tulad ko sana'y paniwalaan mo.
Iniibig kita. Iniibig kita. Iniibig kita.
Iniibig kita.
yehey. i'm past it.

i have unintentionally completely taken the board exams off of my mind. alot of things can go wrong, from the (mis)handling of test papers, to whatever it is that you might/can conceive. not to sound sour graping or anything but one single test will never prove you're not cut out to be a "licensed" engineer. quite frankly, i have lost hope in PRC altogether because of this particular incident. i think i'd prefer a re-take than getting referred to as someone who belongs to a "stigmatized" batch of examinees with many "issues and irregularities."
but then again, we should never fail to see the good in all.
god bless!
(hi to UST CE and RI reviewees!)
Friday, November 23, 2007
trabaho na!
at naka-QUARANTINE daw ang results.
walang advice kung kailan ilalabas.
haha. funny.
bahala na talaga sila.
i can work without my license for now.
muah! muah!
claim it, engineers! claim it!
and i think i'm pressing for time before they come out.
i have to write my sentiments now. :)
unless i'd like to sound as if i'm sourgraping (if worse comes to worst).
anyway, alot of things can go wrong: mishandling palang ng mga test papers, delikado na. there's a BIG chance that might happen.
'yung sa batchmate ko nga, broken ang seal ng test paper niya.
oh, and may mga maling problems. the examiners will just have to scrap those items. eh madali pa naman 'yung mga 'yun.
adjustment of scores, that's for sure.
on one hand, though, and truth of the matter is, one single test isn't proof that you're not cut out to be an engineer.
anyway, just like what angela said, "i can't wait for my future to unfold."
whatever happens, happens ;) and come monday, i'll start looking for work :)
claim it, engineers! claim it!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
whatever happens, happens
ayos lang :)
sabi nga ni angela, "i just can't wait for my future to unfold."
excited na ako maghanap ng trabaho.
*claim it, fellow engineers! claim it!*
Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
09065172460 -- time killer
Put the number representing what you are depending on the question. At the end it will look like a phone number so then put it in the subject line. You must do this or you will get bad luck for one entire year.
First, put a 0916-...
[You may change '16' into something else depending on your REAL number.]
Here's your new digits:
1st number, put what you are.
1- gay
2- taken
3- single and what ever happens, happens
4- single
5- happily taken and love that person
6- single but like someone
7- taken and confused
8- single and like someone, but can't have them
9- have lost all hope
0- bi
2nd number, put your current mood.
1- Nervous
2- Bored
3- Confused
4- Just fine
5- Sad
6- Hyper
7- Sleepy
8- Angry
9- In Pain
0- Happy
3rd number is the color of your shirt.
1- Black
2- Pink
3- Red
4- Orange
5- Blue
6- Green
7- Yellow
8- White/Gray/Brown
9- Camo
0- None
4th number is the month you were born in.
1- Jan. or Feb.
2- March
3- April
4- May
5- Jun. or Jul.
6- Aug.
7- Sep.
8- Oct.
9- Nov.
0- Dec.
5th number is your favorite color.
1- Black
2- White
3- Pink
4- Blue
5- Green
6- Red
7- Orange
8- Yellow
9- Purple
0- Other
Next number is your favorite sport.
1- Football
2- Basketball
3- Tennis
4- American Football
5- Rodeo
6- Volleyball
7- Touch Football
8- Track
9- Rugby
0- Hate Sport
Last number is your sign.
1- Aries
2- Virgo
3- Sagittarius
4- Leo
5- Cancer or Capricorn
6- Taurus
7- Libra
8- Aquarius
9- Gemini
0- Scorpio or Pisces
Thursday, October 18, 2007
board exams na!!!
engr. gloria is right. malapit na ang oath taking.
kaya 'yan.
more restless nights.
more depressing nights.
more frustrating nights.
just got home from choir practice. i figure, i need to attend these rehearsals to keep me sane; to keep me a bit balanced. i need all the positive energy i can get. and miss camu is one good source. i surrender my entire self to her. every repetition of a line is a ride from nothingness to heaven and back to nothingness again.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Booyah! I love PBB now!
Mariel Rodriguez is finally a housemate! Big Brother says he has been working with Mariel for a long time now and he wants to get to know her more. This season's twists are uber-saya!
Trivia: Mariel Rodriguez is born Maria Erlinda Termulo . :)
Birthdate: August 10, 1984; Age: 23

Monday, September 24, 2007
PETA's Romulus D'Grayt
Going strong and ever more creative on its 40th theater season, PETA (Philippine Educational Theater Association) continues to deliver remarkable performances onstage with their different productions.
Beginning September 14 until October 28, 2007, PETA will stage Romulus D'Grayt, "an absurd comedy that satirizes the Philippines’ idea of globalization and uses modern language and expressions common to the present times. It is an adaptation of Swiss playwright Friedrich Durrenmatt’s Romulus the Great written in 1949. Ma. Isabel Legarda, PETA’s artistic director, directs the play adapted by Jerry Respeto." (Jun Ebias, http://www.businessmirror.com.ph/04042007/life02.html)
Kuya Buddy [Caramat] looked super hot, classy, elegant and very regal. Hail, Queen Julia! Now I know what Rick meant when he said Queen Julia had very nice muscles on her arm when he watched a show on the first run of the production. Mighty proud cousin here! Hehe! Highly recommending this production for high school and university students (although sometimes they could be really annoying for their lack of respect for the theater. My seatmate, not mentioning which school he is from, was almost thrown out of the theater for repeatedly disturbing fellow audience members. He was really restless. Kid, you gotta get cultured at times, you know.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Morato w/ HS friends
Link Morato>http://pa3xe.multiply.com/photos/album/66/Morato_w_HS_friends>Morato w/ HS friends
met up with katso and other high school friends (mec, trixie, maribeth). dami naming chocolates! hehe! missed them guys so much. :)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
WeeWillDoodle exhibits on Moleskines
The exhibit opens on September 21, Friday, 7pm at the atrium of Fully Booked in Bonifacio High Street, Bonifacio Global City.
The WeeWillDoodle group will be drawing on T-shirts too (doodleyershirt), so if you want a piece of their work, don’t forget to bring your own shirt!
Fifty goodie bags will also be given out to some lucky folks.
This exhibit was put together by Fully Booked, PinoyCentric, and Project Manila.
Go to ProjectManila.com To register for doodleyershirt (read 3rd paragraph), just leave a comment in this entry and leave your name (first and last), email, and URL. (Limited slots only!)
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
rainy days
watched bourne ultimatum last night and i dreamt that i was an assassin na parang transformers robot. SUPER COOL. bourne ultimatum is a grrreat movie! it kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time! saw piolo pascual at trinoma, and one team lead at the office who's rumored to be gay. haha.
i officially have my own programme at gold's. but by september i think i'll devote my time entirely to review na lang muna. oh well. :) bahala na. been seeing celebs and athletes there: RP team for i don't know which sport, helen gamboa, jc cuadrado, mike tan, ana roces (super beautiful and flawless), rovilson fernandez, varsity players of UAAP, luis manzano, etc.
anyway, thanks to kuya onin for the movie treat!
here's the biggest pizza in the philipines pala. medyo skewed pa 'yung image na ito kaya hindi makikita kung gaano siya kalaki talaga. but at least the sprite 1.5L bottle will give you an idea. :D
Sunday, August 05, 2007
pre-boards at PUP
Monday, May 21, 2007
out of misery
thanks to these sites, i have a bit of a reason to keep myself from committing suicide. hahaha!
www.crimsonjay.blogdrive.com (which is always un-updated)
found randel's multiply site thru his YM status! miss ko na 'yung tao na 'yun!
choir went to trinoma to have dinner last night after singing at mass. mark bought gonuts for all! thanks mark!
fiesta na next week!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
ang ganda ng trinoma.
yun lang.
cross between glorietta and greenbelt.
looks small from the outside pero malaki siya.
dami pasikut-sikot.
dami shops.
may belo. may medical city.
krispy kreme, etc.
libre carousel ride! si mommy nakauna na!
7 cinemas. tix at very reasonable prices.
palabas na pala shrek 3 (shriek accdng to dad).
sa 5th floor, under construction ang swimming pool.
trinoma has a very nice facade.
it boasts of a fountain going backwards, meaning from bottom to top.