Tuesday, March 27, 2007


once again, i was ate's seksitary at the clinic. then we picked up kuya at pgh and next, dinner with doctors at saisaki. pwede na akong mamatay! sa sobrang dami ng masasarap na pagkain!!!!!!!!! 'yun lang. kinantahan pala kami ng singers.

first time i saw a med reps who don't look like med reps. parang barkers sa kanto. hehehe. wawa naman 'yung lone patient namin kanina. 14 years old, boy, mom in the US with new family. he has cancer. grabe.

booking plane tickets for moi, kuya onin and kuya buddy for mindanao in may. helpless!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

graduation na! :)

with doctors corrie and dante
with teacher ralf

with seatmate len
with seatmate angela. this is probably the last time my foot's gonna be this close to angela's.

baccalaureate mass last night was truly magical. tapos? wala na. :)

Friday, March 23, 2007

tired. but very happy.

i just got home. in bed, topless (and oh so hunky! haha), surfing the night away on wifi. naks. anyhoo, spent the day in school. baccalaureate mass was super dooper fun! although my folks missed the entire programme for them. i can't believe i didn't cry. pero mahirap magpigil. anyway, i'm just so tired talaga, i don't know for sure what i'm doing now. well. bummer. hindi pala ako silver loyalty awardee. fucker. tomorrow is graduation day na pala. see? i'm so spent, i cannot remember stuff. auntie luz gave ice cream. it's downstairs. pistachio. sarap. baka sa ibang araw ko na patusin. may handaan kaya for me? haha. well. 2 vacations pending for moi. 1 in an island in camarines sur on holy week, another one in palawan. bahala na. sana magkapera na.

tired. but very happy.

i just got home. in bed, topless (and oh so hunky! haha), surfing the night away on wifi. naks. anyhoo, spent the day in school. baccalaureate mass was super dooper fun! although my folks missed the entire programme for them. i can't believe i didn't cry. pero mahirap magpigil. anyway, i'm just so tired talaga, i don't know for sure what i'm doing now. well. bummer. hindi pala ako silver loyalty awardee. fucker. tomorrow is graduation day na pala. see? i'm so spent, i cannot remember stuff. auntie luz gave ice cream. it's downstairs. pistachio. sarap. baka sa ibang araw ko na patusin. may handaan kaya for me? haha. well. 2 vacations pending for moi. 1 in an island in camarines sur on holy week, another one in palawan. bahala na. sana magkapera na.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


after 7 long years of college, i am finally marching this saturday. i could not help but cry over the phone with my dad.

today is where your book begins
the rest is still unwritten.

that's all there is to say. nothing more, nothing less.

i now have the right to post this one:


after 7 long years of college, i am finally marching this saturday. i could not help but cry over the phone with my dad.

today is where your book begins
the rest is still unwritten.

that's all there is to say. nothing more, nothing less.

i now have the right to post this one:

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

please, please!!!

my love for music has consequences pala talaga. diverting my attention was and still is a given. i listen to my mp3 player not as often as almost everybody does but i use it frequently especially when i am putting myself to sleep.

for weeks now, whenever i'm taking an exam, i can't help but hear the songs in my mp3 play over and over in my head. i can barely focus. fooker.

what do i listen to?
  • broadway. how gay can i get?
  • shake that groove thang and the like (what we're playing on doc's wedding)
  • that macabre song from carmina borana (?). how apocalyptic!
wala lang. toga fitting today. i didn't go. still have to make sure my name's on that graduating students list.

Monday, March 12, 2007

onting utut na lang

i'm almost there.

another week to go. tomorrow is toga fitting. but we still have a couple of projects and exams. i was never this anxious.

got to watch a couple of movies in a week: the pursuit of happyness and 300. the latter's monologue at the ending spoiled the moment. i felt like the actor was merely throwing out his lines.


Friday, March 02, 2007

turning 24 in a couple of hours


in a couple of hours, i am turning 24. goodness. how fast time flies. can't say much for now. a degree, a good job and a professional's license would be great to have for one's birthday. hindi bale. i'm working on them na.

"i teyngks gad por ebriting."