Friday, April 14, 2006

lintek na globe, atbp.

we just survived another good friday 'service/performance.' it was so-so, considering we rushed the rehearsals--as if we had a choice. handled 2 choirs, one being ours. i really appreciate every person who sang with us.

i practically didn't get to hear mass. although i was there physically, i was focused on making the slides for the songs during mass! i stayed in my own corner, created my limbo, and typed away on my laptop for most parts of the celebration. at least i got the job done.

i've never been this troubled yet calm; disturbed yet at peace. at least with myself.

i just take each day as it is, doing household chores as my form of penitence. and silently proving to my family that i am not worthless and an ingrate.

i will start working on OJT, thesis and summer class next week. i just pray that everything goes smoothly for me this time. i'm tired of waiting. this is my chance and i hell am sure going to grab it and claim it.

my contribution in Health Today comes out next month. so excited!


undoy said...

wow you have an article!!! will wait for that :D

pseudo-artist said...

that's something to look forward to :)