Tuesday, January 02, 2007

travel, travel, travel

as far as i can remember, i wanted to be a pilot first. to fly, to travel. then i wanted to become a priest. next, a doctor. i never thought of becoming an engineer. but life has its mysteries and so here i am, an engineering stud.

i have always wanted to travel the world. and so as soon as i graduate, i will try my luck at airlines and cruise ships. i will apply as an attendant. a part of the crew. sort of a marshall. my cousin did that for a while and she had the time of her life. now she lives in london with her husband whom she met onboard and their children, natasja reese and evan.

i see the pictures and marvel at the awesome fun they have there. the mingling with the passengers, the costumes and the activities onboard delight my senses. i guess i'm really a people-person.

i think the idea's the coolest! ;)

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