Monday, October 27, 2008

this is boring stuff. i repeat. boring stuff.

Instructions: Think back to your first semester in college. Let's see how much you remember and how much you regret.
What section were you?
Who were your seatmates?
Grace Ventanilla, Marie Reyes, Dan Bagasin, Joseph Ryan Tutay.
Still remember your English teacher?
Sir Roa. Lech.
What was your first class?
English Communication Skills? Not sure. Maybe Math.

Best friends?
Wouldn't say Best Friends right away, but it's gonna be Dan, Marie and Grace.

How was your class schedule?
The worst ever!
Made any enemies?
Happy I didn't.
Who was your favorite teacher/s?

PE - Softball under the ever-loving Sir Salamat. LOL!

Back then, do you always buy your lunch?
Yes, I did...after a week of bringing baon. :)
Were you a party animal?
Were you well known in your school?
Are you kidding me? Hahaha!
Did you get suspended/expelled?
Can you sing the alma mater?
Of course!
What was your favorite subject?
Dapat English. But I was let down by the teacher. Hehe. Sorry :)

What was your school's full name?
University of Santo Tomas
Where did you go most often during breaks?
Sa tabi-tabi.
What color of pen do you always use?

Recited often?
Err...In English, I think
Ever cheated?
Not during first year :) LOL
Do you bring your own paper and pen?
Are you in the top ten of your class/es?
Hmm... Can't really tell. :)
Favorite things to do in class?
Classmates you didn't like?
Subjects with highest grade?

Chem, methinks.
Ever had a crush? Who?
Wala. Never saw my school as a Haven for cuteness.
What's your theme song for him/her?
Which of your classes was he/she in?
Fave events in 1st sem?
Wala :(
What are your favorite classrooms?
Bulok sila eh. Hihihi.

Do you sleep in class?
Couldn't afford to.
Ever thought of burning your school?
Hell, yeah! Bombing it cuts it more.
Ever messed with a prof?
What do you miss most in your 1st sem?
Wala naman meshedow.
If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?
I would've done better in Math and all my subjects. My life could've been more well-balanced.
Favorite PE?
Where do you spot the hot girls in your school?
read up!
Ever gone on a field trip?
Yeah. Pero not until the fifth year.

UST Mediartrix
Dorm, boarding house or your home?
If you had your way, what was your dream course/major?
First ever person you knew?
First play you ever watched?
The 12th Night at the FEU auditorium.
Ever been recruited by a frat or sorority?
Is it fun in your school?
Of course!
Ever gone rallying?
Haha. Yes! :)
Did you ever dream of having latin honors for your first sem?
Oo nemen.
If you weren't studying in your present school now, where would you go?
UPd or Ateneo

What do you remember most about 1st sem?
My classmates :)

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