Saturday, January 28, 2006


akala ko nung una, after kay doc tak 'yung character na ito. highschool classmate kasi niya si carlos mori, creator of these guys. but i think it's after our cousin, kuya jojo. he's known as bants. a great artist. kasama siya sa HOODWINKED. coming soon in philippine cinemas.


mom went back home from the hospital with dad for his check up with a heavy heart--or so at least i thought. there's no other reason why mom would've ranted like that.

"ikaw, demonyo ka," she said with eyes that could've pierced any material.

"tao ka pero hindi ka tao. sinabi mo bakla ka? hindi ka tao, demonyo ka," pointing me with her index finger, trying to restrain herself.

"pinagtatawanan tayo sa buong compound!"

i understand her. maybe upon seeing results from dad's lab tests, although not necessarily meaning that dad's dying or even has something as little as a cough, the faint hope that she has in her heart almost died. she was just concerned for her one true love.

"kung hindi kayo naaawa sa sarili niyo, maawa kayo sa nagpapaaral sa inyo."

then on and on she went with us being bad children, and that how she thought wrong that having twins WAS lucky.

but i never thought that that would be the day when she finally calls me the demon.

i was infront of the laptop on my bed but when she stormed in the room, i did nothing but look her in the eye and start crying. i made so many mental notes i'm sure i've forgotten most of them like how i'll show everyone how successful i'll be, not just for me but for my family and for my nonoi as well.

i'm getting tired of this. i wanna get things done and over with. i guess there are just some things that would rather have me not talk about. less talk, more action.


wait a minute, does she ever think that dad may have been working (yeah right) hard for other people? well, i can't blame her if she doesn't. sabi nga nila, keep telling yourself things you'd like to believe over and over again till you believe it.

most expensive night out ever!

went to eurostar carnival last night with jun, rick and randel. everything was going perfect except when we made the biggest mistake of the night: to ride Flipper. shux. thinking about it really makes me dizzy and that's no joke. we dint have the chance to ride The Joker afterwards!
is the room spinning or that's just me?
Before trying out everything

after riding (whatchamacallit, like star city's wild river) twice!

baboy ka! hayop ka!

Pig in the Year of Dog 2006
Do not visit the sick and observe mourning. Health is unsatisfactory.


The Pig is sociable and gets along well with others. They have a good creditability and can be trusted. Although hardworking, their patience level is limited. In nature, Pigs are intelligent but is a little lazy. They possess good analytical skills. Their goal is to enjoy life and freedom, therefore they try very hard to achieve as much as they can when they are young. When they reach middle age, they will reap results and enjoy life.

Being helpful is a virtue of the Pig, but friends take advantage and bully them. The Pig loves leisure life and most of them like liquor drinking. There is a saying that goes like this: few glasses of liquors are joyful, excessive will harm the body. Pay attention to the health!

They all have very good ambitions. Whether it is work or running a business, they would try their best to accomplish. No difficulties would stop them from their faith. They are optimistic and happy. As they have potential skills in literature and arts, they can further develop their career in these two areas. They are bad managers when it comes to finances.


The Pig and the Rabbit is a perfect match as both are domestic animals. Rabbit is good natured. As both have no temper, they get along very well. The Pig and the Sheep match are also ideal as the Sheep will obey the Pig and they will lead a peaceful life. Avoid matches with the Snake because he/she will make the Pig a slave and that will end up with undesirable results.


Luck for those born in the year of Pig. It is difficult to succeed in career. Even if it is in a new trade, it is not ideal. Do not attend funerals and visit the sick. It will clash with the horoscope as it will inflict sickness and unexpected financial loss to oneself. Do not overwork and remember to maintain a good energetic condition. It is best to stay conservative for this year. Carry out more outdoor activities.


Spring season seems to be the unfavorable for the Pig. They will meet villains and suffer a financial loss. Wealth is prosperous in Summer season. You should make a quick decision and execute the plans in order not to let a golden opportunity slip away. There is an arrival of the benefactor in Autumn season, it is extremely favorable for those who want a career change or a new business venture.

Fortune Luck

Money making luck is not very good. Do consider cautiously if you have a big business investment as you will need a steady fund. Avoid gambling. In Summer season, there is unexpected wealth (lucky draw,4D, Toto), you can place some bets on numbers relating to house, car license, telephone, etc.


Health condition is not favorable. You must do more outdoor sports. Watch your food hygiene. Do not consume food which is not properly cooked. It is best not to travel to far for holiday or business. It is alright to make short trips, but do remember to bring along those necessary medications. Be extra careful in Spring season as it is easy to contract common sickness like flu, etc.


Romance is smooth for the Pig this year. Dealing disputes with care will lead to a harmonious relationship. Do not yield high expectations in your partner as nobody is perfect. Spend more quality time with the family. If you are still single and unattached, do not have to feel disappointed. Grab hold of the golden opportunity when the Peach Blossom Constellation appears in lunar calendar November.


The bad constellation will cause health destruction. Due to this, one must not forget to take care of the well being while studying hard. Should you fall ill, treat it immediately to avoid inconvenience to your year end examinations.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

so dead

m&m's dispenser. see how bored i am?
it's been raining nonstop today.what a lethargic day. really having trouble looking for good religious background images for presentations every sunday at church. kinda excited about this weekend's hosting stint. hope i have fun!

i hope it doesn't rain tomorrow when we go to eurostar carnival.

i know i'm loaded with stuff to do but with the rain and all, i feel like i can barely lift a finger.

alabsu nonoi ko! :) i know you're reading this. siyempre, ikaw yata ang #1 fan ko! hehe!

oh! i'm just gonna post pictures from a couple of days ago when some classmates and i went to pila, laguna to make 2 kubetas. the perks of cutting classes. haha. not.

waiting for instructions

at work

berns, warren and anton. dug it?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


my first bestfriend since freshman year in high school gave me quite a big shock with her text from the US. i dint actually know it was her who texted me but i went to the website from the message anyway. at first i thought it was tori, my 12-year-old cousin from texas who recently came to visit during the holidays. then a glimpse of the line "yes, i am gay" in the solitary entry quickly changed my mind.

i immediately looked for the name of the blogger and voila! i should've known right away with the clue given in RIAlizations. the 2nd (or 3rd but i really wouldn't know) girl who fell in love with me. haha! so conceited. the title of this entry is actually my pet name for her.

it was nice to read her blog. even gave her commendation for nice writing. it's fun to finally reconnect. much more now that she has come out. we're on the same boat. haha! i guess there wouldn't be any need for me to tell her my story this time.

oooh! and you guys ought to visit my old blogsite as well. it's there i keep some of my favourite entries.


Rac, your true color is Red! ---talaga lang ha?

Your color is red, the color of racy sportscars, blushing cheeks, and luscious roses. Red symbolizes passion, romance, and love. So, since you're ruled by red, you probably trust your feelings more than your brain and tend to act spontaneously. If you see something you want, you go for it without thinking twice — impulsive is your middle name. You don't wait around for people to make decisions, either; you dive right in. Quite the romantic, you pay close attention to your emotions. In fact, if your heart isn't in what you're doing, you won't be satisfied. Of course, even when you do pour all your energy into the projects you tackle, your impetuous nature means your passions can shift as frequently as the wind. That's why some reds have trouble with commitment. Our advice? Next time you're feeling fickle, think before you act, if possible. You might be surprised at the results. Overall, though, it's great to be red. No one lives life more completely than you do.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

tapos na hellweek

last day of prelims today! now officially worried about 2 major subjects: soil and theory 2. anyway, got to spend the rest of the day with jun, rick and randel. missed them sooo mucho! planning to go to eurostar carnival on thursday. so excited! yipee!

this shirt really looks nice on me, eh? haha! parinig! belat!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


JANUARY 18, 2006:
our 8th monthsary today! i'm alone here in one of the classrooms in the college building with this laptop. i'm really diggin' it! haha! good thing this super reliable (well, honestly, i gotta take that back) laptop has a number of good mp3s already. now playing: my humps.

i'm really doing well in hydraulics. who knows? i might consider specialization in water in the future if i keep at this.

really happy to reach 8th month with hubby. i love him soooo much! i never felt anything like this before. i really let go of my inhibitions a bit and let meself go semi-gay-gay-gay-all-the-way. hehe! weird.

tomorrow is advanced engineering math but i'm not really dreading it. what worries me is still soil mechanics (coz it's really hard--or should i say the professor just makes it so). theory 2 on one hand really freaks me out coz it's up to 400 points. with the professor, it's all or nothing. i hope we all get it.

i gave myself a push just to try to finish the content of the souvenir program. it's going along pretty well. i hope i make it by my deadline...which is tonight! migosh!

melai called me up yesterday and asked a big favor. haha! as if it's really that big. she just asked me if i could be the emcee on their badminton tournament this 29th. i'm really thinking hard about it. it's gonna be great, i know it. however, that reminds me, i just turned down hosting the college pageant because of the girl they're partnering me with. so arte. haha! magka-clash lang kami nun. and everyone hates her. well, i thought i should give her a chance. but the selfish me won in the end. haha! and to think i've been looking forward for that hosting stint. you take some, you give some. better give the others a chance, right?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Monday, January 16, 2006

bon voyage!

slept at 3:30am to wait for ate egay, matthew and tori to leave for the airport. i sure am gonna miss them alot. never expected that myself. we're gonna see each other soon somehow. love them bunches! this is tori teaching us beyonce 101.

here's kiko with mato

tfen designed a bunch of calling cards for his friends. here's how mine came out. jun took a picture of it.

hon and i went to make tambay in coffee bean and tea leaf with thea while waiting for narnia in the cinemas. he looked so sweet doing my shoelaces while i study for a test. he learned a couple of ways how to tie them over the internet. i love you nonoi ko!

we already have el pollo loco here in our mall! yipee! was supposed to post a picture with mark but it's so obvious there that he's checking some guy out. hehe! and my hair doesn't really look good there. hehe!

this is mary worrying about our last test in advanced math. she got all the processes right but her top equation wrong. omigulay!

and our schedule this week.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

i hate it

been having problems these days. i hate it. shit.
doing well in school except for one subject. fuck.
i feel sorry for myself.
i don't like this feeling. i never did.

Friday, January 13, 2006

hell week

it's hell week next week so i'm taking this chance to update my blog in any way i can. got to watch narnia with hubby and it was great! got teary-eyed at the start of the last battle. the soundtrack was nice! i got to download a couple of tracks from the movie. doc tak downloaded the movie pala and put it in the desktop.

quite happy with my previous tests in a couple of subjects, dreading soil mechanics and theory 2.

been feeling sorry for myself coz i think i'm another liability for my partner. good thing he doesn't feel the same. i love him to bits! muah! muah! muah!

i found someone who'll play the piano while i sing... well, not quite. but we're getting there.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

rident fussbudget

Can wrestling get any gay-er than this? Haha! Took this picture in GreenHills with hubby last night before I went on an all-nighter. The quiz got cancelled. Bummer but good.

Really loaded with stuff to do: the eclat newsmagazine which I might let go off for now coz I don't have any writers, the souvenir program for our 10th anniversary production (see les miz pix), look for a choir for the production's invocation and the first hell week for this sem. Oh dear.
Here are just a couple of attractions in my school. So nice!
Me and lots of siomai!

Walang hila-hilamos at mumog. Kami'y nagmula kina Tres

Monday, January 02, 2006

couldn't wait

here are the pictures! couldn't wait for another day.
anyway, friends are already asking me about Ace Water Spa.
go na rin kayo!
loving this hunky pic!


spent the day with hubby once again. it's so nice to be near him. oh, and he just got his hair cut. he looks so much younger and cuter! awww... pics'll prove that. watch out for those!

480 pesos for 4 hours of frolicking in the water and getting your whole body massage as well! you better go and try it out yourself.

#399 del Monte Ave., cor. Banaue st.

it was such a bummer at first because when we got there, we found out that you have to bring your own towel. they provide the swimcap and locker and that's it! you have to wear fit swimsuits so the hydromassage'll work. had to go all the way back home and get us some towels.

you really have to go try it for yourself. every penny's worth it. i'm scheming with my family to treat mom there for her birthday coz she can't actually go to the gym or have a regular body massage due to her back problems.

really planning to make this a regular pamper-myself session. haha!

lapit na

Sunday, January 01, 2006

i'll give all the love in the world


slept at 4am and woke up officially today at 9am. everyone's starting to arrive here at dear old hacienda abantao. it rained a bit earlier that's why uncles and cousins put up a cover over the whole garage/stage for today's festivities.

got to talk to ate abby last night about her delivery and she told me how hard it was. she made it funny! haha!matthew's such a his young age!

been making videos with tory and rose ann for the former's show and tell classes when she gets back to texas. been explaining to tory why and how we here in the philippines celebrate christmas and new year's day a certain way, most especially as to why this family does it different (and i must say, a whole lot more fun).

the holiday season is almost over. everything happens so fast these days. it feels like we just let time slip away. oh well. at least everyone's in a joyous mood. wooohoooo!

still on the process of cracking my brains up thinking of songs to put in my mp3 player. not really fond of stuff like that but i gotta go use it already! i don't wanna fill it up with choral songs. people already think of me as weird. i don't wanna push the bar higher.

having problems with globe's mms. i can't email pictures or at least send pictures to others' phones. darn it!

i have one and only one resolution: to tell everybody "i miss you" and "i love you" as often as i can. i hope i stand by it.

happy new year

"I'm dancing 2005 away. Happy New Year! Let's grooooove!"

it's officially the first day of the year. gosh, after today, only 364 days to go before it's new year's day again.

i kinda regret that i missed days updating my blog. so many things have happened already. i'll try to organize my thoughts and recap each highlight.

hubby and i had our first major conflict days ago. good thing we're past that and looking for a colorful and better year ahead of us. lessons learned, better persons emerged in both.

missed beloved choir's christmas party in subic but had a great time with some cousins as we watched the pyrolympics in pasay. australia won. whoopee. come to think of it, last year (seems like ages ago but actually, last year is just minutes ago) was the year i got to see lots and lots of fireworks.

quite happy with the turnout of the choir's singing last advent and christmas engagements-slash-masses. felt good having people come up to you after mass and them telling you how good you still sound :) currently pitying edmond for organizing almost all--heck, let's give him some credit more--ALL choir whatchamacallits last december. kudos!

weary if i'll still pull eclat off. all members are telling me they're busy with school load and stuff. of course, i'd love to write all articles in the newsmag but that'll be a big laughingstock. god help me!

so overwhelmed with the school work that i have to do before school resumes on the 4th. being the lazy me that i am, i haven't done anything yet! haha! cramming works!

i'll be dedicating an hour or so in the coming weeks for the org's les miz production. at least to vocalize the singers properly (or so i think) and hear if they're singing the right notes.

received a couple of comments more about the pictures i've taken with my camera phone. maybe i really should consider taking photography lessons. haha! gudlak sa akin. sana may moolah.

thea started her stint as part of coffee bean & tea leaf's staff in gateway. go thea! she totally looks the part. bagay na bagay sa kanya. she's got class, man!

hubby got his first kudos at the office! i know he'll do better in the coming days. go, go, GO!

praying hard for family and friends. and my studies.

i guess this is it for now. ciao! happy new year!