JANUARY 18, 2006:
our 8th monthsary today! i'm alone here in one of the classrooms in the college building with this laptop. i'm really diggin' it! haha! good thing this super reliable (well, honestly, i gotta take that back) laptop has a number of good mp3s already. now playing: my humps.
i'm really doing well in hydraulics. who knows? i might consider specialization in water in the future if i keep at this.
really happy to reach 8th month with hubby. i love him soooo much! i never felt anything like this before. i really let go of my inhibitions a bit and let meself go semi-gay-gay-gay-all-the-way. hehe! weird.
tomorrow is advanced engineering math but i'm not really dreading it. what worries me is still soil mechanics (coz it's really hard--or should i say the professor just makes it so). theory 2 on one hand really freaks me out coz it's up to 400 points. with the professor, it's all or nothing. i hope we all get it.
i gave myself a push just to try to finish the content of the souvenir program. it's going along pretty well. i hope i make it by my deadline...which is tonight! migosh!
melai called me up yesterday and asked a big favor. haha! as if it's really that big. she just asked me if i could be the emcee on their badminton tournament this 29th. i'm really thinking hard about it. it's gonna be great, i know it. however, that reminds me, i just turned down hosting the college pageant because of the girl they're partnering me with. so arte. haha! magka-clash lang kami nun. and everyone hates her. well, i thought i should give her a chance. but the selfish me won in the end. haha! and to think i've been looking forward for that hosting stint. you take some, you give some. better give the others a chance, right?
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