Saturday, October 14, 2006


hospital food used to be so yummy.

and so here i am on my hospital bed, typing on dear old lappie despite my be-IV-'d right hand. the med tech had a hard time with the veins on my left so i have to make do with this setup. all i do is eat, sleep, pee and sleep. tests results won't come out till tomorrow. i'm so used to getting punctured. funny, the needles don't hurt.

can't remember when i was last admitted in a hospital.

the ward i'm in looks like a ward during war. chelsie visited me first. she came in last night with a box of muhlach's ensaymada. haven't eaten some yet. but mom already did. she says it's good. after this i'll try one.

so many friends want to pay me a visit. so touched. i'm afraid only a handful can come. maybe after a couple of days when i get transferred to my own room... *wishing*

finals is totally out of my head right now although i am worried sick about the idea of me getting delayed yet again. lord, please help me.

lots of friends came and visited me during my 5 days in the hospital. so nice a feeling.
and now i'm tambak with exams and projects.
dami ko INC. one actually is as good as 5.0. fuck.
Lord, please help me and the whole batch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened? Do you have dengue or something?

Get well soon. I know you're busy, but take care first ok?