Tuesday, October 25, 2005

fuck blogspot

fyi, i'm really pissed off at the moment. this is the third time i'm writing this. fuck blogspot. you know how frustrating it is to almost publish an article? hell, i don't have time for this now. bahala na kung ano ang maalala ko. i guess no one'll ever know. shit.


PISCES (Feb 19 to Mar 20)

In the next few years, you'll be busting your buns! You have to work hard now to build, construct and create what you need. You can do it.

This says something about the plans that I have in mind these days. Build? Construct? Definitely terms in civil engineering. Maybe they mean different things for me. No one really knows.

Glad Maku helped me with this laptop. Been meaning to take charge of this and have this all to meself soon. Boyfriend's words about how I get treated differently here around the house are slowly sinking in but I always avoid having any grudges against anybody. I keep saying, "it's being a good son." I know I'll get tired of telling meself that one day. Sheesh.

Spent the afternoon productively. Got to bond with dentist friend. Learned alot. Learned that we should check expiration dates of things that we buy. Learned to say 'NO' to mundane things.

1 comment:

tornphoenix said...

sino nga pala 'yung dentist na 'yan? haaay.