Monday, December 31, 2007

thankful this new year

happy new year to all!

my goodness. god has really blessed me a whole lot. i'm at a point in my life where i think i've almost done everything. sure, sure. i'm a big dreamer who has such grand plans for myself but looking back, i know i've broken down barriers; big ones, if i may say. and that counts for a L-O-T. as in. bonggang-bongga.

i am grateful:
for the family that grows bigger and close to each other.
for all the hurt and pains that have made me stronger.
for all the love and support that have been given to me.
for all the long-time friends i've kept thru the years.
for all the new friends i've made this year.
for all the lessons i've learned.
for all the mistakes i've committed that i've learned greatly from.
for all the extra special people who have made my life uber-colourful.

i know words fail me. but if any, i think the word i'm looking for is FREE. i am free. huwaw. such bittersweet memories. thanks. thanks! :)

thank you. and i love you.

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