Thursday, November 03, 2005


i miss blogging. i miss writing about things that really compel me to write. not that nothing important ever happens but i guess the anxiety in me kills the focus. lots to do with so little time.

funny, my cousin sent me a message this morning saying, "when you can think of yesterday without regret and of tomorrow without fear, then you are on the sure road to happiness and success. wish you the best." what's that supposed to mean?! yeah, i know. i'm supposed to take it as a challenge. f*ck. i've had enough of challenges already. it's because of my love for challenges that i'm still stuck in engineering.

spent the holidays with family. got to take a couple of days of rest barely enough for all the things i'm supposed to be up for.

god help me!

cancelled my plan to buy from dad his laptop. i figured i better save the money for myself instead. want to start the business real bad. if i had my way, i'd grab the chance to study another course altogether. but then again, no regrets, right?

boyfriend's doing very well at the office. i know he'll impress more people there :) so proud of him.

took some pictures with my phone. i hope i get adobe photoshop installed on the laptop soon. been meaning to edit and layout a number of pictures and projects.

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