Wednesday, November 16, 2005

small steps

it does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.

i see that posted below my friend's name as his status message everytime i face the computer. i guess i never really took time to ponder on it. it seemed like nothing to me really. but this morning, it's different.

classes started a week ago and i had my mindset to treat every class as training at the office.

this is easy. this is just like any other day at the office.

so far, so good. lessons are absorbed easily and i have plans of retaining them for good in my mind.

all i need is a degree under my belt and i can do anything i want. this is easy. hang on.

and so i go back to albie's phrase mentioned. i have regrets for taking so long a time finishing my course. but not major ones. just simple sighs that i can let pass. the fact that i could have finished school this year will never make up for all the experiences that i have gained in the past years.

small steps, man. small steps.

oh, and by the way, when shit happens, you stop smelling.

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