Saturday, November 19, 2005

so gross

after dining out to celebrate a very important monthsary last night, we strolled around the araneta center and hubby decided he had to have some dessert. we casually walked in gonuts donuts and started choosing the sweets. while waiting in line, i let my eyes browse the whole store and i could have sworn i saw a member of the crew pick his nose. i didn't take my eyes off of him and found him picking his nose with his shirt this time. then he started messing his hair as if he was shampooing it and coolly smiled at the customer in front of him and prepared the order.

he looked like franzen and i even made sure i was not imagining it. i asked hubby and he confirmed what i saw. so gross! we changed our minds quickly and i started looking for a suggestion box. sheesh. i didn't even get his name. they didn't have name tags!

gonuts donuts are really yummy but i wouldn't dare go near their store if this keeps up. totally grossed out up to the point of warning my orgmates about it this morning.

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