Saturday, January 28, 2006

baboy ka! hayop ka!

Pig in the Year of Dog 2006
Do not visit the sick and observe mourning. Health is unsatisfactory.


The Pig is sociable and gets along well with others. They have a good creditability and can be trusted. Although hardworking, their patience level is limited. In nature, Pigs are intelligent but is a little lazy. They possess good analytical skills. Their goal is to enjoy life and freedom, therefore they try very hard to achieve as much as they can when they are young. When they reach middle age, they will reap results and enjoy life.

Being helpful is a virtue of the Pig, but friends take advantage and bully them. The Pig loves leisure life and most of them like liquor drinking. There is a saying that goes like this: few glasses of liquors are joyful, excessive will harm the body. Pay attention to the health!

They all have very good ambitions. Whether it is work or running a business, they would try their best to accomplish. No difficulties would stop them from their faith. They are optimistic and happy. As they have potential skills in literature and arts, they can further develop their career in these two areas. They are bad managers when it comes to finances.


The Pig and the Rabbit is a perfect match as both are domestic animals. Rabbit is good natured. As both have no temper, they get along very well. The Pig and the Sheep match are also ideal as the Sheep will obey the Pig and they will lead a peaceful life. Avoid matches with the Snake because he/she will make the Pig a slave and that will end up with undesirable results.


Luck for those born in the year of Pig. It is difficult to succeed in career. Even if it is in a new trade, it is not ideal. Do not attend funerals and visit the sick. It will clash with the horoscope as it will inflict sickness and unexpected financial loss to oneself. Do not overwork and remember to maintain a good energetic condition. It is best to stay conservative for this year. Carry out more outdoor activities.


Spring season seems to be the unfavorable for the Pig. They will meet villains and suffer a financial loss. Wealth is prosperous in Summer season. You should make a quick decision and execute the plans in order not to let a golden opportunity slip away. There is an arrival of the benefactor in Autumn season, it is extremely favorable for those who want a career change or a new business venture.

Fortune Luck

Money making luck is not very good. Do consider cautiously if you have a big business investment as you will need a steady fund. Avoid gambling. In Summer season, there is unexpected wealth (lucky draw,4D, Toto), you can place some bets on numbers relating to house, car license, telephone, etc.


Health condition is not favorable. You must do more outdoor sports. Watch your food hygiene. Do not consume food which is not properly cooked. It is best not to travel to far for holiday or business. It is alright to make short trips, but do remember to bring along those necessary medications. Be extra careful in Spring season as it is easy to contract common sickness like flu, etc.


Romance is smooth for the Pig this year. Dealing disputes with care will lead to a harmonious relationship. Do not yield high expectations in your partner as nobody is perfect. Spend more quality time with the family. If you are still single and unattached, do not have to feel disappointed. Grab hold of the golden opportunity when the Peach Blossom Constellation appears in lunar calendar November.


The bad constellation will cause health destruction. Due to this, one must not forget to take care of the well being while studying hard. Should you fall ill, treat it immediately to avoid inconvenience to your year end examinations.

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