Sunday, January 01, 2006

happy new year

"I'm dancing 2005 away. Happy New Year! Let's grooooove!"

it's officially the first day of the year. gosh, after today, only 364 days to go before it's new year's day again.

i kinda regret that i missed days updating my blog. so many things have happened already. i'll try to organize my thoughts and recap each highlight.

hubby and i had our first major conflict days ago. good thing we're past that and looking for a colorful and better year ahead of us. lessons learned, better persons emerged in both.

missed beloved choir's christmas party in subic but had a great time with some cousins as we watched the pyrolympics in pasay. australia won. whoopee. come to think of it, last year (seems like ages ago but actually, last year is just minutes ago) was the year i got to see lots and lots of fireworks.

quite happy with the turnout of the choir's singing last advent and christmas engagements-slash-masses. felt good having people come up to you after mass and them telling you how good you still sound :) currently pitying edmond for organizing almost all--heck, let's give him some credit more--ALL choir whatchamacallits last december. kudos!

weary if i'll still pull eclat off. all members are telling me they're busy with school load and stuff. of course, i'd love to write all articles in the newsmag but that'll be a big laughingstock. god help me!

so overwhelmed with the school work that i have to do before school resumes on the 4th. being the lazy me that i am, i haven't done anything yet! haha! cramming works!

i'll be dedicating an hour or so in the coming weeks for the org's les miz production. at least to vocalize the singers properly (or so i think) and hear if they're singing the right notes.

received a couple of comments more about the pictures i've taken with my camera phone. maybe i really should consider taking photography lessons. haha! gudlak sa akin. sana may moolah.

thea started her stint as part of coffee bean & tea leaf's staff in gateway. go thea! she totally looks the part. bagay na bagay sa kanya. she's got class, man!

hubby got his first kudos at the office! i know he'll do better in the coming days. go, go, GO!

praying hard for family and friends. and my studies.

i guess this is it for now. ciao! happy new year!

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