Sunday, January 01, 2006

i'll give all the love in the world


slept at 4am and woke up officially today at 9am. everyone's starting to arrive here at dear old hacienda abantao. it rained a bit earlier that's why uncles and cousins put up a cover over the whole garage/stage for today's festivities.

got to talk to ate abby last night about her delivery and she told me how hard it was. she made it funny! haha!matthew's such a his young age!

been making videos with tory and rose ann for the former's show and tell classes when she gets back to texas. been explaining to tory why and how we here in the philippines celebrate christmas and new year's day a certain way, most especially as to why this family does it different (and i must say, a whole lot more fun).

the holiday season is almost over. everything happens so fast these days. it feels like we just let time slip away. oh well. at least everyone's in a joyous mood. wooohoooo!

still on the process of cracking my brains up thinking of songs to put in my mp3 player. not really fond of stuff like that but i gotta go use it already! i don't wanna fill it up with choral songs. people already think of me as weird. i don't wanna push the bar higher.

having problems with globe's mms. i can't email pictures or at least send pictures to others' phones. darn it!

i have one and only one resolution: to tell everybody "i miss you" and "i love you" as often as i can. i hope i stand by it.

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