Monday, April 30, 2007

disappointed yet again

my friendster horoscope today says, "Transitioning into a new phase has been hard. You need to give yourself more time."


i feel like i have just been robbed. very unfair.

last week, i saw an ad for a core skills trainer post in sykes asia. i applied and got an email saying i should print out that email and "walk-in." nadismaya ako dahil ano pa't nag-apply ako online. i took no action.

heyniweys, i found out last friday that my status for that particular application then said, "Under Consideration" and that meant i had bigger chances of getting hired. nabuhayan ako! my gosh! i could be the next trainer they're looking for! the weekend seemed like an eternity and i barely survived waiting for today, monday, to "walk-in."

i was at the recruitment office very early with all the stuff i deemed i needed for the application, except THAT printed email as we have no ink at home and i didn't see any computer shops along the way to OSMA.

interview time finally came and it was with 3 other hopefuls vying for agent posts. 3 guys and 1 girl. and the girl turned out to be my high school classmate's older sister. i must say, without cockiness whatsoever, the girl and i were very articulate and i think, very qualified for the positions we were applying for.

the interview went very well and i was expecting to be endorsed to the next level, as rose ann the interviewer told us that the purpose of the initial interview would be to assess our comm skills. besides, i was able to give her everything she had asked for. one by one, we were called outside for the result of the initial interview. rose ann said, "you already passed the test but for the position you are applying for, we are looking for somebody with experience in the field. but i'll keep your application anyway and let you know if something for operations support comes up."

i think i was caught in shock that i said nothing but "okay. thank you." and just left.

parang napahiya ako and i was very dismayed. rich (the girl applicant) caught up with me downstairs and asked how it went with rose ann. i told her up front that they were looking for somebody with experience. i walked with her to the mrt and i was glad to have talked to her. i found her to be very, very pleasant.

after spending time thinking, i realized that what just happened was crap. first of all, she (rose ann) did not know that somebody from the recruitment team checked my CV in THRICE [meaning i struck a chord with the recruitment peeps manning the list] and put my status on Under Consideration. next, she told me that they were looking for somebody with experience. hello?! did she really listen to what i had said during the interview? what about years of teaching different choirs, of holding key positions and heading the literary arts department of my beloved org in my university (and this means teaching your members), etc.?! third, what happened to "the purpose of this initial interview is to assess your communication skills?"

denying me of the chance to proceed to the next level is very meaningless. i do not mean to be condescending nor arrogant. but i KNOW, as all of my trainers know, as my former supervisors believe, that i can do it. my trainers were mere agents before becoming trainers. why can't i be given the chance? why was i not given the chance?

and so, plan C is here. come may 2, i will call them up.

i have faced rejection very well. but this time, it's unacceptable. buti sana kung walang laban. meron eh.

i just want to work! masama ba 'yon? or maybe i really ought to just stay put... for now.

got to spend the rest of the day with hubby. i just needed to be near him. we got to watch pan's labyrinth ( // cool soundtrack! turn your speakers up!). it was grrreat! how i loved the different themes i've identified. i cannot say anything more about this movie. it's for me to cherish. :)

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