Monday, April 30, 2007

family family

i saw doc ivan's site and i'm glad to know he's doing okay. he says he has, well, new "practically everything." i miss being with that guy. i mean, his smile really is something else. i told him before that whenever i got around him, i tried to always be at my best, trying to impress him. ewan ko kung bakit. i just look up to him, methinks. he's really different. :)

anyway, i got to spend quality time with the marcelino's once again. cool lot. they're family, indeed. got to see paseo de santa rosa. pretty much like the metrowalk of the south.

speaking of family, i'm really beginning to hate (on a serious level) my siblings' guts. the way they think, they talk, they act. very uncomforting. sometimes i think like, "are they really family?" i'm not being righteous. it's just how things seem to be and really are. i've always strove hard for the things that i needed, the things that i wanted. i made things happen for myself. but they, who are supposed to know better, are simply--blah. naiinis ako.

this is not a matter of materialism or whatever. it's a matter of having your own good set of principles. and values. and being able to become the best you that you can be.

i will not give details now, or maybe ever, as i deem doing the opposite will obtain various unsolicited remarks from you, dear readers (yeah right! as if this blog has any), although i appreciate your input.

for now, i urge you to fervently pray for me as i am currently facing a dilemma: to work or not to work. anyhow, i hope i do well in tomorrow's "walk-in/hindi walk-in" at sykes asia. i wanna become a trainer there. :) i miss sykes.

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