Tuesday, January 24, 2006


my first bestfriend since freshman year in high school gave me quite a big shock with her text from the US. i dint actually know it was her who texted me but i went to the website from the message anyway. at first i thought it was tori, my 12-year-old cousin from texas who recently came to visit during the holidays. then a glimpse of the line "yes, i am gay" in the solitary entry quickly changed my mind.

i immediately looked for the name of the blogger and voila! i should've known right away with the clue given in RIAlizations. the 2nd (or 3rd but i really wouldn't know) girl who fell in love with me. haha! so conceited. the title of this entry is actually my pet name for her.

it was nice to read her blog. even gave her commendation for nice writing. it's fun to finally reconnect. much more now that she has come out. we're on the same boat. haha! i guess there wouldn't be any need for me to tell her my story this time.

oooh! and you guys ought to visit my old blogsite as well. it's www.tornphoenix.blogdrive.com. there i keep some of my favourite entries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have my bie. She's one tough critic. She took up BS Comparative Literature in UP Diliman. Although she's not done yet, she sure can criticize my writings.

I'm not studying again, at least not at the moment. I'm planning to take up a Master's degree. I'm not sure what to focus on yet, still planning though. The company I'm working for is offering a tuition assistance program. So, it's for free. hehe... I'm still just too lazy. Plus, I always do overtime here at work. I'm in the nightshift (the only person in the night shift to be exact), just like in a call center in the Philippines. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I used to work for one.

Thanks talaga for keeping my letters. Rac, the first boy I fell in love with. hehe... Buti na lang at di ako pinatulan.

Seriously though, it's nice to hear from you again. I was kinda shocked to read your blog. I never thought that this day would come. But I can truly say, I'm so proud of my friend!!!

But Rac, even if I got to read your blog, you still have to fill me in with a lot of things. Ingatz po.